This book was written by Paul from prison in his final days before his death between AD 67-68. Everything had been taken from Paul; his freedom, his possessions, and his churches. In the end, all that Paul had was his faith, and that was all he needed. The purpose for the letter was to request a visit from Timothy and to share practical and inspirational counsel with him as Timothy was going to be left to lead the church in Ephesus.
Timothy was a close friend, almost like a son, and coworker of Paul. During his childhood, Timothy was taught by his mother and grandmother about the scriptures (see 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15). Paul urges him to remember this godly heritage and remember that he is set apart for ministry. Paul writes this with thanksgiving and hope despite his imprisonment.
Paul is urging Timothy to be strong in Jesus with illustrations of an athlete, good soldier, and hardworking farmer when describing the Christian’s calling. The purpose of that calling is that all those called “may obtain salvation, which is in Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:10). To do that Timothy needed to have scripture as the foundation for his teaching and correctly teach the Word.
As you begin this study, may you fall in love with the Word of God and keep it as your foundation for living.