Let's Stop, Recognize, & Celebrate

When you give at Grace, you fund the ministry that God has placed before our church. With God's guidance, our Leadership, Elders, and staff work to steward funds responsibly.

Let's Celebrate!

General Fund & Causes

Throughout the year, you have the opportunity to fund not only specific causes, but also the general fund that keeps Grace Fellowship running financially. Here are some highlights from 2024...


When you give to the General Fund, you make ministry happen. In 2024, $7,795,000 was given. This money supported ministries throughout Grace Fellowship including:

  • the purchase and support of curriculum and supplies for Grace Kids, 678, HSM, The Commons (young adults), and Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies
  • fulfillment of financial commitments to support Grace’s global and local partners
  • maintain, clean, update, and care for Grace’s multiple buildings
  • pay building utilities across all campuses
  • pay pastors and church staff


In 2024, you gave more than $767,155 to specific causes designated by Grace. This includes opportunities like:

  • Christmas Eve Offering – $137,929
  • Dollar Club – $173,729
  • Christmas in July – $86,424
  • Golf Outing in support of Lower Lights – $27,339
  • Student Camp/Conference Scholarship Fund – $89,732
  • Global Partners & Disaster Response – $222,000
  • Benevolence – $30,000 (for families who have experienced loss or hardship)

The Weekend Service

What's happened within the Weekend Service!

Every person who walks through Grace's doors has a name, and along with that name, a story. Each number that you see below represents that - a person and a story that found their way to Grace. We're so excited to celebrate each and every one!

Average Weekend Attendance

(2023 average was 3,567 - excludes Christmas + Easter)


(over 100 more student & adult than 2023)

New Guests Welcomed

(in 2023 we welcomed 3,352 guests!)


(we welcomed 498 NEW volunteers in 2024 across all campuses!)

Grace Students

(Students 6th - 12th Grades)

Lives are Changing!

At Grace, we strive to come alongside families and provide age-appropriate environments for our kids and students. We believe that our kids and students are part of the next generation, and so we work to create a space with these four considerations: relationships, age-appropriateness, creative Bible teaching, and fun!

Students in Groups

(students 6th-12th grades; that's 55 MORE students than engaged group in 2023!)

Student Camps Attendance

students 3rd-12th grades (compared to the 1,093 that participated in 2023!)

The Commons

(Young Adults 18-29)

Young Adult Ministry is Growing!

The Commons is a gathering of young adults (high school grads - 29 years old) at Grace Fellowship who seek to live Jesus-centered lives in their Young Adult years. Commons Groups are held throughout the year at the Pickerington, Jefferson, and UA Campuses.

Small Group Attendance

(average weekly includes Pickerington, Jefferson, & UA Campuses)

Summer Attendance

(programming only at Pickerington & UA Campuses)

Adults at Grace

Moving from Rows to Circles

At Grace, it's important to come alongside people as they explore who Jesus is. Whether "new" or "old" in your faith, Grace has a place for you.

Adults in Groups

(that's 316 more adult participants than in 2023!)

New Partners

(that means 991 people have said "yes" to taking an important step in owning their local church)

Message Series at Grace

You Asked, We Answered

In 2024, Grace taught through 13 different message series. Based upon your feedback, watches, and reviews, we identified the "Most Watched" and "Most Impactful."

Want to watch or re-watch your favorite message? Use the button below!

Most Watched Messages

#1 - "Unforgiveness" | Cleaning House

#2 - "Let's Talk" | Let's Talk

#3 - "Issue of Tolerance" | Line in the Sand

Most Impactful Series

#1 - We Get To

#2 - Parables

#3 - Line in the Sand

External & Eternal Eyes

2 @ 2

During the early part of 2024, Grace committed to "2 @ 2" - a movement in which we would have external and external eyes.

As a church, we began this movement by reading "Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations" and learned together how to share the Gospel.

Then, during the weekend service, everyone chose TWO non-Christians that they would pursue for Jesus over the course of the year. As part of our pursuit, we committed to sharing the Gospel message and praying for our 2 @ 2pm each day.

We also had the opportunity to hear from guest speakers Jordan Raynor (author of "The Sacredness of Secular Work") and Aaron Graham (pastor and expert in cultural realities of the Christian Church).

Books Read


Ping Pong Balls Turned In


Weekend Attendance

4,751 people

Not Coming Down Initiative

Grace is For the Community (GraceFTC)

Addition Opening March 2025

$4,016,787 Given to Date

(Campaign ends 10.31.25 - click the button to give or complete your giving)


Pledges at 100%

43.14% of donors who pledged are at 100% to their pledge
145 donors who pledged have given ABOVE their pledged amount!

Third Year

133 donors committed to a third year of giving

What An Amazing Year!

Just for Fun

Miles Traveled By Grace Global Teams

(80,000 miles more than 2023!)

Minutes of Songs Sung


Gallons of Coffee


New Babies in GraceKIDS



Do you have questions about your giving statement? Do you have other questions surrounding the Annual Report? Ask us!